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Monthly Subscription

USD $30.00/month
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Let's Dance!

  • Internationally recognized instructors from all around the world.

  • Get access to classes that are given in global Seminars and Festivals, from the comfort of your living room.

  • Different approaches and methodologies to help you find and showcase your own voice.

Want to get a Free Planner to level up your Practice Schedule? Get the 6-month membership and live the full iLindy experience!


6-Month Subscription ($27.5/month)

USD $165.00 every 6 months
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Get 6 Months of iLindy goodness for just $165!

  • Internationally recognized instructors from all around the world.

  • Get access to classes that are given in global Seminars and Festivals, from the comfort of your living room.

  • Different approaches and methodologies to help you find and showcase your own voice.

  • Now it includes a 6-month Planner to help you shape, schedule and level up your training!


Annual Subscription ($25/month)

USD $300.00/year
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Get all the iLindy goodies for a full year for just $300!

  • Internationally recognized instructors from all around the world.

  • Get access to classes that are given in global Seminars and Festivals, from the comfort of your living room.

  • Different approaches and methodologies to help you find and showcase your own voice.

  • Includes a 6-month Planner to help you shape, schedule and level up your training!